While making the "File-uploader" or any file-related plugin, you realize it's better to use the "File" data type instead of showing the "file-url" as text. Using the "File" data type instead of "file-url" has many advantages. For example, you can put the "File-name" and "File-url" in the same variable instead of making two separate variables. You can also directly save the "File" type data into Bubble DB.
But the real question is how to do it -
Follow these steps-
Step 1:
Create the variable type "File" as the exposed state-
Step 2:
Create a variable to hold the file URL (remember to add the "https" prefix if it's not already included) and then expose the variable.
var file_url = "https"+url_without_http;
It will automatically expose the file-name too.
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